Saturday, August 21, 2010


The triathlon this morning went about as planned. I finished just under 1:40, which means I was no threat to win my age class but did hit my target finishing time. I thrashed through the swimming (500 meters), the cycling (12.5 miles) was a breeze, and the running (3.5 miles) tougher than I expected, coming as it did after a hard quad workout. More than anything, it was great just to get the heart pumping and the legs moving. Thanks for your financial support and encouragement to do this--my first tri. It wasn’t as brutal as a marathon, but still a stiff challenge. Next time I’ll see if Michael Phelps is available for some swim lessons before I take the plunge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish there had been a video cam of the event. But congrats on being around to do this AND finish.